Divine Redeemer's music ministries are dedicated to serving the Lord through the generous talents of our cantors, choir members, and instrumentalists. In all that we do, we seek to glorify God and participate in the great artistic tradition of the Church through the millennia to the present day, both in service to the sacred liturgy and in collaboration with other musicians in our area. We welcome all those who wish to share their musical gifts with our parish community.
Divine Redeemer features two adult choral ensembles between our worship sites which sing a common repertoire of hymnody and liturgical music. These choirs accomodate a range of time commitments and sing separately at weekend liturgies, but may at times combine for certain events. We gladly welcome new members grade 9 and up throughout the year. The ability to read music and prior choral experience is preferred but not required. All that is required is the desire to fulfill an important ministry, a willing spirit, discipline, commitment, and a sense of humor. Most of all, good choir members constantly seek to improve the quality of the group and use their gifts for the glory of God.
The Saint James Choir sings for Masses at Saint James at 11 AM on Sundays, as well as holy days throughout the year. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 PM in the Saint James Music Room, from mid-September through Corpus Christi.
The Saint Mary Schola sings for Masses at Saint Mary at 9:30 AM on Sundays, rehearsing immediately beforehand from 8-9:15 AM.
If you’ve had a little vocal or musical training and/or perhaps previous experience as a cantor or as a soloist and would like to help lead the congregation in prayerful song, then serving the ministry of Cantor might be for you. Cantors are scheduled based on their availability. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. All new cantors will complete a one evening cantor workshop. All cantors will work toward and earn a Basic Cantor's Certificate, awarded by the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM). Contact the Director or Associate Director for more information.
The Divine Redeemer Handbell Choir plays at select liturgies across our two campuses throughout the year, most notably Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and Confirmation. Rehearsals are Wednesday from 7-8:30 PM in the sanctuary at Saint James. Ability to identify notes on the staff and count is helpful, but not required. Contact Luke Ponce, Director, for more information.
Children in grades 3-8 are invited to participate the the Divine Redeemer Children's Choir. The children sing at various times throughout the year at the 11 AM Mass at Saint James or 5 PM Mass at St. Mary. They also sing at the 9 AM Thanksgiving Day Mass, 4:30 PM Christmas Eve Mass, and our Christmas concert. Rehearsals are on Wednesday from 4-4:45 PM in the Music Room at Saint James through the academic year. Contact Luke Ponce, Director, for more information.
If you are an instrumentalist of any kind and would like to share your music in the liturgy, reach out to music ministries! Instrumental music can enhance and deepen the beauty of our liturgical celebrations. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. If you are proficient at an instrument and would like to serve the Mass periodically, please contact the Director or Associate Director of Music.